Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Raw vs. Processed Raw

I may lose folk on this one however; I have to speak my TRUTH.  Over the past couple of years I’ve been researching raw living.  I joined a couple of web-groups looking for knowledge.  My intent on understanding raw living/eating had nothing to do with losing weight or being hip.  I wanted the benefits of a clear mind, an open heart, and be a vessel of healing.  Weight loss and aesthetics were the furthest from my mind.  Over time I became discouraged because a lot the websites that had recipes seemed difficult:  dehydrate this for four days, sprout beans for three days, blend this, and process that. And I was like whoa, this is crazy. So instantly I became turned off.  I was like, “no I’m good.”

Again the research picked back up and I started watching YouTube videos on raw living and I came across Dan McDonald.  So I’ve been searching and watching his videos because I knew in my spirit there would be a video that would touch me.   I found it (Dan's video). This video resonated with me deeply because being raw for me isn’t about eating foods that mimic cooked recipes.  I desire to be to connect on a higher plane of self-consciousness and healing.  I don’t desire to be a raw processed eater.  I want the essence of my food. And I look at a lot these recipes and all of this metal technology involved in a dish such as a raw cheese cake and I say, wow. It's no different than opening a can of vegetables and dumping it on my plate; and that’s not the path I want to go. 

Spiritual connectivity for me is about things simple.  The simplicity or the organic feel of my temple being holistically healed without this overly mechanical process of being raw just to satisfy having “spaghetti and meatballs” or “chocolate cake”.  There’s something connecting about holding your food in its original state. Just give me a watermelon or mango in its organic form and I’m happy.  By no means am I knocking anyone on their journey, but I want to get back to the basics, get back to the spirit. Thank you Dan for that video, you hit it right on the head.

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