Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Raw Juice Blunder: Glass of green fire

Greetings and blessings. 

Okay I'm feeling much better and the pulled hamstring is really repairing itself very quickly.  I would have blogged more on Sunday but the pain was annoying and distracting. Yet I just want to share this funny funny real quick. Last Saturday I attempted to green juice.  I've green juiced before but it was the first time with cilantro. I tossed in a couple of green apples, celery, parsley, cucumber, and a whole entire bunch of CILANTRO.  The result was a beautiful  full-bodied glass of green love.

When I smelled it I knew it wasn't right.  Instant nose and eye burning. So I took a huge swallow and damn near set myself on fire.  It resulted in me throwing out the juice (big mistake).  Cilantro is naturally spicy and holds heat; and putting too much in messed up the juice for me.  It would have probably been awesome as a shot to remove mucus with more cooling vegetables.  Oh well. I will try it again. Just wanted to share my raw juice blunder.

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